Sunday, February 28, 2016

No room with the Monkeys

First mandatory class was last Thursday. The kwoon was packed with weapons and it was very hard for me to train with my weapons. It is great to have so many people in class but until it is warm outside, I will have to do my weapon training elsewhere.

With the banquet happening last week, I'm late starting the year of the monkey and I'm actually going to officially start tomorrow. New schedule planned out and renewed motivation and goals. Work has been very demanding lately and I am trying to continue the balance between work, the kwoon and home.

Excited and nervous about the new weapon forms. I started to feel comfortable with the bokken. Now going into new weapons. New adventure...

1 comment:

  1. All we need is for the parking lot to be dry .. a couple more sunny days. Bring gloves and you are ready to go ... I love training outside and I have been able to do alot of it this year.
