Sunday, March 20, 2016


Usually I have few ideas for a blog throughout the week. I know my blogs are not the longest or deepest ones out there but I have been consistent with putting one out every week for the last 3 years.

This week is different. I did not have any idea for a blog. I was trying to think about it this morning and blank. Nothing.

Do I want to write about the pressure I'm in right now, mostly due to work? already done it. Do I want to write about the form presentation this Thursday? not again. Do I want to write about my back being bad again? old news.

Well maybe not old news as I still struggle with it. It started hurting again last week and I know it completely changes my mood. It is not just mobility issue. It hurts. Not all the time but there is a constant pain. Sometimes more and sometimes less. The worst is that I'm not sleeping well. It is hard to practice my forms, it is hard to run and do all the rest of my exercises. I've struggled this week at the gym and at the kwoon but the hardest class was Tai-Chi. I was OK doing all the moves but I felt complete disconnect between my lower body and my upper body.

Just like my blogging effort - complete disconnect. Nothing to write about...

1 comment:

  1. Yet somehow this turned out to be pertinent to your journey. Good post methinks.
