Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dragon Dance

There is no doubt that the Dragon is a great way to bring a group of people to work together, set goals  and get result. The dance last Saturday is a testament for that. We worked hard and we all contributed to a dance that we were able to execute on the Festival of Trees event. From inside the dragon, the dance seems to have gone smoothly. I really want to see the video of the dance.

There are always challenges with numbers when it comes to the dragon. If there are less than 9 - then you can't even practice. If you have exactly 9  dancers, you are risking not being able to perform or train if someone is sick or can't show up. If you have more than 9, practice is easier as there are always enough dancers but how do you pick who is going to be dancing at the performance? Seniority? Skills? Attendance?

I'm not sure what the answer is. I just hope that everyone knows that a big part of what we gain of the dragon dance is within the practices. When it will be time to figure out who is going to be in the dance for Chinese New Year (the day of?) it is still a group effort of everyone who ever practiced with the dragon this year.

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